Would I be considered a biter if.....? Hi, my breakdancing group doesn't have a name yet. I have heard of a group called the Rock Steady Crew and I really liked that name so I want to call my crew RockingSteadily Crew. My question is: would this be copy-cat-ing? I mean I spell it different right, so it should just be okay. My frineds used to be called Cool Rock Against Politics (CRAP), but we found out there was a nother group with this name, so we told them that because they had our name then we had mad meat with them, and we would have to battle dance for the name. So we met up at the YMCA racquet ball court, and plugged in our favorite song to breakdown to, which was Better off Alone by Alice Deejay and started to breakfight. I was really confident about myself, becasue I recorded that Gap commercial on my VCR where they people are swing dancing, I was going to record the one where they breakdance, but whenever I watched TRL they wouldn't play it, so I had to record the swind dancing one, and I also recorded the Usher 'My way" video and I learned the moves in those so I was ready to beat them. Well I was really surprised when we battled, their best guy, Swift Mc-Rock-burger had windmills, and I couldn't do windmill, because when I practiced them on the carpet in my basement I accidentally knicked over my mom's vase so she said I couldn't practice them any more unless I did the garbages and I said I didn't want to do the garbages, because our cat pooped on the floor and my mom threw it away in the garbage which made the garbage smell like poopy Chicken and Liver (because Chicken and Liver is my cat's favorite kind of cat food). Os I said no, I won't do the garbages, and she said 'well fine then you go to your room and you don't get and bananas and peanut butter dessert after dinner, either' so I went to my room and then I tried to practice windmills, but my little brothers science project on the sun flowere was on the floor so I couldn't practice. So since I couldn't practice windmills, I lost the battle and so our friends group had to change our name. So I hope I can have this name because it would be most righteous. |